Uh, uh, will not forget my dear friend, ask God to bless his soul
We would meet and have fun together and the days of the revolution we were working up the situation together and was asking us how things become in this revolution, and tell him follow the events and you will know what will be the course of the situation. And show him that the Yemeni revolution going the right way. I remember when my friend Luke because of the peaceful march to denounce the crimes of the usual system into the tent we laugh and have fun together
We sometimes promise of food in our house and we bring him together to eat together and he very loved our food and says it is delicious. He loves us and we love him.
And we have a very large memories Aqsdr Ocefha untold pronunciation
Was a wonderful surprise filmed Esquire
I wish I could attend my wedding ceremony but unfortunately is not among us was in detention
We consider him as a family member and that’s the intensity of our love to him
I told him about the Arabic language, a violin teach, he told me about English
He loved was a good Yemeni says the people of Yemen are very disagreeable fact Yemenis of Good and disagreeable fact Yes we are good, but the former regime, our pictures that we Mejrmyin and terrorists and we failed state and gave the perception that Yemen is stable.
Conversely Yemen is generous and kind and good and Manrmyin of Good and love all over the world and love and love of loves and hate of hate
We were friends and we fear so we tell him to be careful with yourself
But he loved the adventure and we do not tell him not to risk venturing had a strong heart is not afraid
Many anecdotes and stories
But say to the family of Luke. You have wonderful Angpettm good boy will never forget and say you Avtakro my friend Luke that he was a wonderful man and a solid figure
You kind Luke family
You kind Luke family
You pride Baldkm Luke
Goodbye my friend Luke, there will be a great imprint on the forehead of a Lnn to your friends and never forget you
We love you and we love the great family
And I was hoping to be among you, my friends and I
Thank you
Friend Luke / Shaker